In response answering the same questions over I started this page to answer them.
If you have a question you think should be here please e-mail it through to Ken at:
Like all other Section meetings NAG is open to ASV members only. We use ASV facilities & resources that are paid for by members.
Exceptions can be made for guest speakers or visitors from other Astronomical societies. Please contact the Section Director to discuss.
The calendar of meeting topics is repeated each year. So there is no need to catch-up, just join in.
You are welcome to bring your telescope along to share your questions with the group. February, May, or August are the best months (see the calendar). Other months you may need to arrive early or hang back late for help, so e-mail me before the meeting. Check the weather forecast if you want to do some viewing.
Note for Parents: Members under 16years will find the Junior section more suitable. However, you are welcome to bring your children with you.
Over the years I've had many retired people who finally have time to pursue a long held interest joining NAG meetings. But we have all ages, all personality types, from all backgrounds. NAG is the opposite of an "on-line" Astronomy course. As volunteer amateurs we cannot compete with the resources of an Education facility like a University. Instead the New Astronomers' Group is an opportunity to meet and connect with other members who are also starting their Astronomy journey. Group discussion and practical tips are what we try to do. Prior knowledge of Astronomy is not required. An interest to learn is essential. Content is aimed at adults of all ages.
Most meetings are all about working through the monthly topic at hand. Discussion night is your show & share opportunity. Examples of what members could bring are a telescope or other equipment, photos you've taken of the night sky and/or holiday, news articles, show off a pet project, share you favourite web-site, give a short presentation, or tell us about other Section meeting you've enjoyed.